Hot Seat

Title: Hot Seat
Time/Place:  August-September 2023 in Nebraska City, Nebraska USA

This work was made during my August-September, 2023 Artist-In-Residence at The Kimmel Harding Nelson Center for the Arts in Nebraska City, Nebraska USA

Size: 6’6” x 5’6” x 2’5”
Materials: watercraft paddles and handle, wall heater fan, fake fireplace flame generator and metal, wheeled chair seat, serpentine belt and pulley, toy truck wheels, tent stake, kite pole, bicycle inter tube and kick stand, furniture wood, phone outlet, fire hazard label

This strange contraption might be a ride or form of propulsion as the chair seats the human body and the wheels imply movement, a pathway or trajectory. Its function is unknown but might include resilience due to low-tech engineering with disparate salvage. Hot Seat is constructed with materials that reflect water, wind, heat and fire, in an attempt to unify them under one climate predicament. The role of Hot Seat is unclear as is the exact nature of navigating our future of weather extremes, but we are in the hot seat as this twin-crisis of climate and inequality becomes the central organizing principal in our lives.