Mattress Poncho

Title: Mattress Poncho (work in progress – series)
Time/Place: 2020
Centrum Foundation Artist In Residence during Oct 2020 in Port Townsend, Washington

Size: 5’10” tall x 6’ 10” wide including sleeves stretched out (piece is 4’8” wide not including sleeves)
Materials: fabric from discarded street-side, woods-found mattresses

Details (condensed):
This exaggerated in size and shape hooded poncho is sewn using the fabric from discarded street-side, woods-found mattresses. The poncho then merges with site as the performative aspect of this work re-inserts the body into these liminal spaces.

Details (expanded):
This exaggerated in size and shape hooded poncho is sewn using the fabric from discarded street-side, woods-found mattresses. Visible on the piece is the wear-and-tear, various stains and moments of repair. It is quilted, thick, heavy and doublesided. Mattress Poncho becomes a garment, a wearable bed of sorts. The performative aspect of this work, a full series, involves spending time on and at many sites of discarded mattresses found at various locations. Mattress Poncho and mattress/site merge together to some extent via materials, and inserts the body back into these vacant liminal spaces. When viewed this piece is installed on the floor laid out in full with the supporting documentation series on the wall. Mobile and ready to go, Mattress Poncho rolls up and ties into a bedroll.